Odessa High School Band Booster Club
Minutes of the May 15, 2006 Meeting of the Odessa High School Band Boosters Meeting was called to order by President Carrie Moore in the Band Room at OHS at 7:00 p.m. There were 13 people present. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Copies of the minutes of the April 10 meeting were distributed to all present. There was some discussion as to the approximate cost of the Chicago trip. The $210 figure reflects the entry fee. Lodging and travel fees are additional. It is premature to estimate costs for the Chicago or Indiana trips as we have not had opportunity to fully research. References to cost estimates for these trips will be removed from the minutes. Moved and seconded to accept the minutes with these amendments. Correspondence: No correspondence. Treasurer’s Report: Rick Walker gave following balances:
Hospitality: No report. This position was not filled in the officer elections last month. Carrie gave a description of the Hospitality Chair position, and Lois Lannin agreed to accept this position. Connie will make a hospitality sheet with the dates to sign up for refreshments available for the graduation Friday. Fund Raising: Oak Grove Truck Stop Jamboree is in June. Ideas such as face painting, rub-on tattoos, and pop sales were discussed, however, after discussion those present decided we did not have adequate preparation time or saleable items to participate in the jamboree this year. Motion was made and seconded that we graciously decline the offer to participate. Laura Osborn will respond. Trash bag sales are still going well. We still have plenty of supply to last through the summer. The laptop and accessories purchased by the Band Boosters are already in use. The numeric pad and MIDI cable have been received along with software. Purchase of the speakers still pending. 2006-2007 Schedule For the ongoing needs, the possibility of renting a truck to pull the trailer has been discussed and explored. This presents a cost of $800-$1,000 each time it would be rented. Props for 06-07 season will be fairly large. An enclosed horse/cattle trailer (clean/enclosed) would be good for props. There was some discussion about creating a committee for transportation that would report directly to Mr. Hansen, but that concept was not pursued. We will address this problem to the band parents at the banquet this Sunday evening to see if we get some volunteers with the needed equipment. If we get no results, we will pursue putting an ad in the local paper to see if someone from the community my be willing to assist. Mr. Hansen indicated there would be some Thursday night camp-type practices this summer before the official August Band Camp. This will help get the band acclimated together and get a start on the music. Some maintenance work is on-going for the trailer. A shelf and a vent are being replaced. The axle work will happen after the graduation trip. 8th grade trip to Worlds of Fun. Students are paying $7.50 for the group dinner at Worlds of Fun. Mr. Hansen is using the school account the small amount over the $7.50. No funds are needed from the Boosters. Band Banquet. Kelli Houston is coordinating. Anyone that wants to assist can arrive at the High School at 5:30 p.m. Some pop and candy bars from past concession stands will be used. Some pop and paper goods are left over from the Color Guard banquet and are available to use at the Band Banquet. Director’s Address. This is a very busy week for the Band program with upcoming graduation, Worlds of Fun performance for 8th grade, and banquet Sunday. There will be a slide show. (Mr. Hansen will get the sound system.) Band Boosters have paid for band awards in past years. The estimated cost for the awards for this year is approximately $300. Motion made, seconded, and carried for the Boosters to pay for these awards. Preparations are already under way for the Fall show. Eighth graders enjoyed their performance with the high school band at the concert. Enrollments for the 06-07 marching band are at this time 133. This is a fairly firm number and does include Guard. We are putting together a group of people that would be able to help design props for the Marching show. The organizational meeting of this group will be June 7 at 7:00 p.m. at H.S. There is a particular need for someone who has knowledge/expertise with welding. School Board has made some clarification of what is perceived to be a field trip, and with this new interpretation, Mr. Hansen cannot organize or provide transportation to any Festivals. He will provide information about dates and location to those who are interested in taking such trips to watch performances. Band Room: Once the new band room is constructed, we will need some help from boosters to set up the room. This room will be built in the grassy area between the tile gym and the locker rooms. It will provide many amenities including uniform lockers, a 20-foot ceiling (with a potential second story to store some of the equipment), separate percussion storage, guard storage, office, practice rooms, and music library. Bids are all in and construction will begin in June with scheduled completion in November. The current band room will be divided into choir room and graphic arts. Mr. Spayde. Percussion clinics are going on this week as well as auditions. He will post the results this Friday. The next meeting will be June 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Andrews |