Odessa Band of Distinction
Home of the B.O.D. Marching Band Symphonic Band Jazz Band Drumline Guard Boosters OMI Links Media

Noteworthy News, Pictures and Event Recaps

06-07 Dates to Remember

Order Additional 2006 Shirts Here!
Odessa High School Band of Distinction
Ken Hansen, Director of Bands

713 South Third Street, Odessa, MO  64076
Sign/View Guestbook

CURRENT EVENTS updated 10/28/2006

5th Quarter "Halftime" Show Performance
Please spread the news that the band will be performing the entire field show AFTER Friday night's football game, followed by a fireworks display. (They won't be able to do the full show during actual halftime because it is Senior Night) Please plan to be there to watch and cheer for the Band as we count down to the Indianapolis trip!

How do I get mine?
(and is it too late to still order one?)

Heads Up: Anyone who is interested in a Large Hoodie or a Large Crewneck Sweatshirt - we have one person who needed to order Mediums instead - please contact me if a Large will work for you. They are available immediately upon payment - Hoodie $18, Crewneck SS $15

view MORE/ALL Indianapolis Information

Hard Rock Dinner on Friday: If you are attending as a chaperone, family member or other traveling supporter and will be joining us for the group dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe on Friday night - you MUST submit your meal choice no later than Thursday 10/26. If you don't communicate a preference by Thursday, the Hard Rock Hamburger will be ordered for you by default.

Chaperone/NON-Band Member Hard Rock Cafe Order

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Phone:
Meal Choice:
Traveling as: Chaperone Other Band Supporter

NEW PICTURES: Thursday 10/12/06 | JAMA | Guard Gallery New!

Congratulations: Success at JAMA!
31st Place Class AAA 43 4th Place Overall 43Best Auxiliary (all)4

View all previous mini-slideshow features here

New Band Room Construction Progress Page

All District/All State Audition Music NEW! MP3 Audio Clips!
Hard to believe - but District Auditions are only a month away (Saturday November 11), and State Auditions are two months away!!! I have added the audition materials and scale information for all instruments to the Symphonic Band page and now - audio files to assist you in preparing your audition music!

How to use the Photo Gallery/Slideshow

Welcome Home Cassia and Hannah! You can continue to follow Cassia and Hannah's progress at www.caringbridge.com

Parents and other Band Supporters:
Always check the Booster page for Important News and Updates!

Band Fees Important Information (Indianapolis and Chicago Trips)

As you see from the schedule - there are a number of trips the band and guard is participating in this year. There are multiple fundraising opportunities to assist with these costs. Current and ongoing opportunities include:

  • Trash Bag Order SheetTrash Bags - White, Yellow, and new JUMBO Blue rolls of trash bags are a very successful way to add to personal trip accounts. Rolls of trash bags sell for $10 and $3 of every roll goes directly into the student's personal trip account. Need an easy form to take orders - here's a new simple one. When you have as many orders as you're ready to fill - tear off the bottom section, place it in the envelope inside the band room door for Carrie Moore - and she will fill the order and leave it for you by the bulletin board. You can continually sell trash bags all year long.
  • QSP Reader's Digest Magazine Sales - Didn't work as hard as you would have liked to on the first of the year concentrated magazine sale? You can still benefit from QSP Magazine sales. Click on the banner below, or on the square banner at the bottom of the events calendar or the Links page - you can order magazines directly through those links - entering the student's name that the sale should be credited to when the order is completed. It is a secure shopping site - and students receive 40% of the sales credited to their trip accounts.

Magazine Sales

2006-2007 School Year Events
The official Marching Band Calendar has been approved by the board of education!

We will march at Carrollton Band Day, Blue Springs Marching Invitational, JAMA Regional Championships, Blue Valley Northwest Invitational, Bands Of America Regional at Indianapolis in November, and perform in concert at the Dixie Classic Concert Band Festival in Chicago, Illinois on May 3-6.

Band Booster Meetings
Band Booster Meetings are the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the Band Room. All Parents of Band Members are Band Boosters!
Click here for Band Booster News and Needs.

Band Contacts:
Ken Hansen, Director of Bands kenhansen_00@yahoo.com 
Kirby Spayde, Asst. Director of Bands kspayde@odessa.k12.mo.us
Lindsey Hansen, Director of Color Guard lhansen@odessa.k12.mo.us
Carrie Moore
(President - Band Boosters) cmoore@odessa.k12.mo.us
Belinda Johnson (webmaster for the band website) belinda@prodsol.net

OHS School Website Links:

  • Visit the Odessa High School Site for the BOD here .

  • The Odessa High School website now has pages dedicated to the Color Guard (including Middle School and Winter Guard), including photos and video clips of their performance. Click here to visit the OHS Color Guard area.

  • Original Odessa BOD (geocities) pages here.

Visit the Message Board!About the OdessaBands Website

Don't forget to check out our full-featured Message Board for interactive communication. Register a username and jump right in!

You'll need a working email account in order to register - if you would like a personalized name@odessabands.com email account - please contact me and I can set that up for you!

Please note - participants under age 13 will need parental permission to participate in the interactive message board. This is for voluntary compliance with COPPA regulations which have to do with protecting children's information online. You can read more about COPPA and why we follow it voluntarily here.

NEW Video Clips added 10/27!
View Video and other Media Files

Printable schedule for 2006-2007 Year
FINAL 8/11/06


Downloadable MP3 Parts
Drill Charts (Revised 10/11)

! District/State Band Auditions
Band Camp Newsletter/Info
! Trip Fundraising Newsletter
! Consent for Travel Form


7/31-8/4 Marching Band Camp
5th Puddle Jumper Parade
7th-8th Marching Band Camp
17th First Thursday Night Practice 6:00 to 9:00
18th Red & Black Football Scrimmage 6:00 PM warmup
28th Meet the Band Night
(OHS Football Stadium)


Sep 1 Football Game
5:30 PM warmup
Sep 15
Football Game
5:30 PM warmup
Sep 22 Football Game
23rd Carrollton Band Day
30th Odessa Marching Invitational

Blue Valley Northwest Itinerary View/print BVNW Itinerary

Oct 6 Football Game
6:00 PM warmup (Homecoming)
7th Blue Springs Invitational
14th JAMA Marching Festival
Oct 27 Football Game
6:00 PM warmup (Senior Night)
28th Blue Valley Northwest Invitational


3rd-5th Bands of America Regional - Indianapolis
(6:00 PM Warm-Up)
BOA Competition Lineup
11th District Band Auditions
all day @CMSU


2nd All-State Band Auditions all day
@ Columbia Hickman H.S.
11th Holiday Concert


5th-6th District Band Clinic and Concert @ CMSU
24th-26th State Band Rehearsals
@ Tan-Tar-A
27th All-State Band Performance
@ Tan-Tar-A


21st Conference Band Auditions-Higginsville
24th Truman Jazz Festival @ Kirksville**

MARCH 2007

3rd Conference Band Performance - Odessa H.S.
10th Pageant of Bands (& Pie Auction) - OHS
TBA State Large Ensemble Contest @ Boonville
30-31 Jazz Festival (somewhere)**

APRIL 2007

TBA Solo and Ensemble Contest
TBA State Solo & Small Ensemble Contest - Columbia

MAY 2007

May 3-6 Concert band Festival @ Chicago, IL
11th Spring Concert
TBA Graduation @ CMSU Multi-Purpose Building

Magazine Sales

View Last Year's Events:
2005-2006 School Year


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