Multimedia Files for Download updated 10/28/2006 |
Video Clips (Windows Media Files) Clicking ON the picture opens a popup window with start/stop controls to view the video. If you do not have Windows Media Player installed - click here to download it free. You may also need to install an ActiveX component in order to view the video in your browser (if it is not already installed). You will only need to do this once, and then you will be able to view the video clips directly in your browser as we add new clips. If your popup window loads a blank window or you do not wish to enable ActiveX controls - click on the title of the video clip instead and it will open in a new window, directly in Media Player. Other Short Video Clips (Windows Media - not popups) : Battery Cheer | Fight Song
Other Media Files Key: Microsoft Word File Adobe Acrobat File Microsoft Excel File Sound (MP3) File (opens in various audio programs depending on what you have installed in your browser - Windows Media, Quicktime, etc.) Adobe Acrobat is usually provided in most cases in case your Microsoft Office versions don't match up with the version the original was created in. Different versions of Word, for example, may display a Word file with different page breaks, margins, etc. Adobe Acrobat transforms the original file exactly as it was created, and cannot be altered. If you are having trouble opening Acrobat files - you probably need to update to the most recent (FREE) Adobe Acrobat Reader - downloadable HERE. Drill Coordinates
2006 Marching Band Show Parts (MP3 format)
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