Odessa High School Band Booster Club
Minutes of the July 10, 2006 Meeting of the Odessa High School Band Boosters President Carrie Moore called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the band room at the High School. There were 11 members present. Copies of the June 12 meeting were distributed and read by those present. Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes as written. Motion carried. No correspondence. No Treasurer’s report. President’s Message: Carrie reminded the Boosters that the job of the boosters is to support the band in a positive way. Support all aspects of the program. If anyone has a problem with a particular aspect, bring up the concerns in private rather than in a general meeting of the Boosters. Fundraising Report: Lois Lannin has researched some fund-raising information and will review the materials with Mr. Hansen before bringing before the Boosters. Traditionally, we do a trash bag sale during band camp, which we will do again this year. $25 is awarded to the top sales person; $10 to the second place sales person. The qualifying period will begin the first day of band camp. The students will decide when the final date of the contest will be. Axles for the band trailer are finished and also a new tire was purchased for the spare on the trailer. We will get the new tire at cost from Rider Truck. Roy Halsey took care of the cost of the mount and balance of the new tire. Band trips have all been approved by the school board. Uniforms will be cleaned this week (Wednesday, July 12). Ross Miller Cleaners in Blue Springs will pick up and deliver after the cleaning. Tracy Bell advised that they did make some progress at the Transportation Committee meeting recently. They have drivers arranged for several trips. The next meeting of the Transportation Committee will be August 2 at 7:00 p.m. Lois will work with other band parents on providing a meal at each of the marching festivals:
Puddle Jumpers Committee has confirmed to Hap that it is Ok to use all stages. There is a new stage (8 x 12) that is 5’ tall that will work well for the judge stand near Casey’s. We need to work on the Odessa Marching Invitational at our next meeting. We have 16 bands performing. Mr. Hansen would really like the field props finished for practice with the band during band camp. Some Boosters will be working on the prototype. Next meeting is changed to August 7 (moved from August 14). Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Andrews |